Graduate Plus

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Internship Allowance

Current calls for applications

NEURO: Research Internship

A total of 14 months of funding is available for students who are registered to a Neurosciences training program abroad and who wish to do an internship in one of the 4 laboratories associated with the NeuroGraduate school.

For each student, funding will cover up to max. 2 months and the internship will have to take place between February and December 2025. Deadline: 30/11/2024

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Control of the degenerative cartilage through the histone modifying enzyme lsd-1

Laboratory: Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering Laboratory (LBTI), CNRS UMR 5305

Research objective: Our project aims at deciphering the epigenetic signaling exerted by the histone modifying enzyme Lsd-1 in articular cartilage. The interplay with inflammatory pathway and metabolism will be analysed in the context of degenerative joint disease such as osteoarthritis (OA).

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Evaluation of isolated muscle functional capabilities under environmental stress using the innovative FOVE ergometer.

Laboratory: LIBM (Interuniversity Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences), Univ Savoie Mont-Blanc

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Extracellular matrix function in motor nerve regeneration in zebrafish

Laboratory: Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon ENS de lyon - CNRS UMR5242 – INRAE USC 1370

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Effect on bone of physical training and nutritional supplementation in microgravity analog model in rat.

Laboratory: SAINBIOSE, U1059

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Phenotype of canine chondrocytes across age and condition of hip and stifle joints

Laboratory: Laboratory of biomechanics an impact mechanics (LBMC, UMR_T9406),

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

BFstretch project: “Assessment of mechanical behaviour in the two heads of the biceps femoris muscle during passive knee motion at different hip angles”

Laboratory: Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité, UR 7424.

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Striated skeletal muscle resistance to cancer metastasis

Laboratory: Laboratoire Physiopathologie et Génétique du Neurone et du Muscle, CNRS UMR 5261 -INSERM U1315

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Role of PHF2 lysine demethylase in the lipid metabolism regulation of Muscle stem cell fate.

Laboratory: Institut NeuroMyoGène-Pathophysiology and genetics of Neuron and Muscle (INMG-PGNM), Faculté de Médecine

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Impact of inflammation in the composition and function of skeletal muscle-released extracellular vesicles on macrophages

Laboratory: Laboratoire CarMeN UMR INSERM 1060 / Université Lyon 1/ INRA 1397

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Building and maintaining the architecture of the locomotor system: from genes to function.

Laboratory: Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Influence of transient vibrations on fatigue and muscle damage

Laboratory: LIBM, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité, Université Claude Bernard LYON 1.

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Mechanical loading and immune cells recruitment in arthritis

Laboratory: SAINBIOSE (Health, Engineering, Biology – St Etienne) INSERM U1059

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Effects of perceived shoulder dysfunction on the biomechanics of physical performance tests for upper limbs in athletes

Laboratory: Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité – UR7424

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Development of biomimetic tools for cartilage tissue engineering

Laboratory: aboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie thérapeutique (LBTI), UMR5305

MUSKLE: Research Internship - M2

Deciphering microtubule network re-organization during muscle fiber formation using “Live-Super-Resolution Microscopy” in healthy and pathological conditions

Laboratory: Pathophysiology and genetics of neuron and muscle (PGNM) CNRS/UCBL1 UMR 5261 - INSERM U1315

Calls for applications closed

appel à stage MDE

Medical Device Engineering: Call for internships 2023/2024

6-month internship scholarships funded for 2024 at the current minimum gratification rate for Master 2 students:
- DM equipment
- DM software
- Implantable DM
- Communicating DM

Application deadline: November 12, 2023

ARTS: Research Internship - Master

The aim of this support scheme is to encourage long-term research placements (3 to 6 months) in cultural institutions in France.

Applications must be submitted before midnight on Tuesday, 7th November

IVID : Call for interships
Deadline : october 15, 2024

The Graduate Initiative IVID will fund 5 research internship grants (6 months, from January to June 2025) within its thematic scope (Immunology, Vaccinology, and Infectious Diseases) for M2 LIVE, 3i, and Infectiology Master’s students, hosted by teams from partner laboratories (CRCL, CIRI, IVPC, MMSB).

Application deadline: October 15, 2024