How to apply for our programmes ?
What are the administrative and medical formalities to come study in France?
How to find an accommodation and open a bank account?
We answer your questions and support you through to prepare your stay in France.
In France, classes start in September and end in May/June.
There are two semesters, from September to December and from January to May/June. Exams take place during the last 2 weeks of each semester, except for specific programme where exams are scheduled on a regular basis through the semester.
Important: bear in mind that all programmes start in September. There are no admissions for 2nd semester (except for students participating in an Erasmus exchange programme).
LMD system stands for “Licence-Master-Doctorat” (bachelor-master-doctorate). The French post-secondary education system is based on this framework as in many other European countries.
Each semester, a maximum amount of 30 European Credits Transfer Systems (ECTS) can be validated. As such:
To enrol for a bachelor first year, students should have completed secondary education (French baccalauréat, High School Diploma, A-level, e.g.)
To enrol for first year Master, students should have a bachelor’s degree (3 years of study) or 180 ECTS.
To enrol for second year Master, students should have completed 4 years of post-secondary education or 240 ECTS.
To enrol for Doctorate, students should have a Master degree (5 years of study) or 300 ECTS.
The Graduate + programmes are inspired by the existing Graduate schools in major international universities. These programmes offer high-level training at Master’s and PhD levels, drawing on the scientific strengths of the project’s component institutions.
Students join a Graduate + programme from the first year of their Master’s degree. They must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree beforehand.
The Graduate + project has a strong international dimension, and international students have the opportunity to receive a mobility grant (bourse d’excellence) for the duration of their studies.
Depending on your nationality, your country of residence, your high school diploma and the level of study you wish to enter, you need to follow a different procedure to apply to a higher education establishment in France.
Before starting any application procedure, it is essential to contact the embassy in your country to find out about the deadlines and steps involved in enrolling in a French higher education institution.
Once you have collected all the important information regarding the steps to follow, you can apply to the university according to your profile:
If your application has been successfully accepted, you will automatically receive a letter of acceptance from the university to which you have been admitted.
This letter is required to obtain your VISA from your embassy. In France, you need a VISA to receive government benefits (social security, housing and financial aid, etc.). We highly advise you to apply for it in all cases, even if your embassy informs you that it is not mandatory.
For international students who have finalized their registration, find below the information to settle in Lyon or Saint-Etienne
Depending on the institution in which you will be enrolled, you can easily find the people to contact upon your arrival: