InnovInOnco proposes to initiate research and training projects focusing on innovative approaches to developing in vitro models that take into account the complexity of the tumor environment: its cellular heterogeneity, its physico-chemical properties, but also its mechanical properties. These approaches will provide a better understanding of the plasticity of cancer cells, and help in the development of new nanomaterials for theranostic purposes.
InnovInOnco, with its partner research laboratories and masters programs, brings together fundamental and translational research, life sciences, biophysics and nanomedicine in oncology.
It offers transdisciplinary training in biology-biophysics-engineering at master’s and thesis levels, and a summer school offering early immersion of international undergraduate students (BSc Honour), providing them with a continuum of knowledge from undergraduate to thesis level.
The Graduate Initiative also proposes to train engineering students in a dual engineering-master’s program, with a view to preparing them for careers as healthcare engineers in the field of oncology.
We are pleased to announce the launching of the Excellence Scholarship Campaign for Masters students who wish to attend one of the masters of the Training in Oncology Graduate Programme.
Excellence Scholarships for Master Cancer 2024-2025
Call for applications from September 2024 to June 2025
Application Deadline : The deadline for application is May 15th 2024.
Upon entering the Graduate+ Initiatives Master programme, students will work closely with faculty and researchers to build their academic project. Each student will be assigned an academic advisor and will be actively involved in research activities throughout the programme.
Select from one of our Master's programmes and map out your own academic journey. You can customise your path according to your interests and objectives with a diverse range of Master's options.
Master Cancer
Biologie du Cancer - Cancer Biology
Focus on the latest fundamental discoveries in the biological mechanisms of cancer - Lectures given by internationally recognised researchers. The 1st semester consists of a series of seminars on the latest developments in oncology, a symposium organized by the students themselves, common to all 4 Cancer master's courses, and a 2 months-research internship.The 2sd semester consists of courses that enable students to build a research project in response to a research call, courses on technological innovations and a 4 months-research internship.
M2 : Innnovations Thérapeutiques en Cancérologie - Therapeutic Innovations in Oncology
Focus on drug design, therapeutic innovations and clinical trials in oncology in collaboration with Professors from the Lyon Veterinary School (cancers in pets). The 1st semester consists of courses dedicated to drug design, clinical trials and pharmaco-toxicology, a symposium organized by the students themselves, common to all 4 Cancer master's courses, and a 2 months-research internship. The 2sd semester consists of lectures organized by Lyon Veterinary School professors on spontaneous animal cancers and their potential as a model for studying human cancers, courses that enable students to build a research project in response to a research call and a 4 months-research internship.
M2 : Médecine de Précision en Cancérologie -Precision Medicine in Oncology
Analysis and use of digital data in oncology and the socio-economic, ethical and societal aspects of this «massive data» and cost of targeted therapies, divided into two specialities: bioinformatics analysis of «omics» data or Health Humanities Sciences (HHS) dimension. The 1st semester consists on bibliographical work on the use of omics technology, a symposium organized by the students themselves, common to all 4 Cancer master's courses, specifi lectures on human and social sciences or bioinformatics, all dedicated to big data and precision medicine. The 2sd semester consists of a 6 months-research internship.
Focus on the transdisciplinary teaching of physico-chemical properties of cancers, innovative technologies (biomechanics in 3D models, microfluidics and new devices) to better approach the physiology of the tumour in vitro. The 1st semester consists to an introduction to multidisciplinary complexity of cancer, lectures on innovative in vitro models, Physical aspects of cancer, engineering project, quantitative approaches and a symposium organized by the students themselves, common to all 4 Cancer master's courses. The 2sd semester consists of a 6 months-research internship.
Master Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies
Master in Life Sciences
La recherche doctorale est menée dans un laboratoire partenaire à Graduate +. La formation se déroule dans une école doctorale.
Ecoles doctorales associées :
The goal of the international summer school “Precison Oncology” is to develop innovation projects in oncology through a transversal and transdisciplinary programme focusing on:
Application deadline : March 12, 2024