Graduate Plus

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Excellence Scholarships
MATHINFI Graduate Programme

Call for applications from  November 12 to January 31


We are pleased to announce the launch of the Excellence Scholarship Campaign for Masters students who wish to attend one of the masters of the MathInfI Graduate Programme.

About the MATHINFI Graduate Programme

The MathInfI Graduate Programme aims at training students in the fields of Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science.

These scholarships are intended for foreign students wishing to enroll in one of the following master programs.

Advanced mathematics master, 2nd year (M2): the Advanced mathematics program at ENS de Lyon is primarily focused on the fundamental aspects of mathematics and aims at preparing students to research in pure mathematics and in applied mathematics. Very solid foundations in mathematics are required. Teaching in English.

Computer science master program (M1&M2): the Computer Science program at ENS de Lyon is primarily focused on the fundamental aspects of computer science and aims at preparing students to research in computer science. Very solid foundations in mathematics and theoretical computer science are required. Teaching in English.

Maths in action (M2): The Master 2  « Maths in action : from concept to innovation »  aims at providing a strong education in research, with a close link with applications. It gathers different options (majors), each of them beeing specialized in a specific field: biology and medicine, environment and climate, statistical and machine learning, images and data, machine learning and engineering sciences. Teaching in English.

Master Mathématiques appliquées, statistiques  (M1): The first year (M1) of the master «  Mathématiques appliquées, statistiques » is preparing to the master « Maths in action », with a program focused on applied mathematics: modelling, probability theorey, statistics and numerical analysis. Teaching in French.

Master Mathématiques Générales (M1): The first year (M1) of the master «  Mathématiques générales» is preparing to either the master « Maths in action », or the master « Advanced mathematics master, 2nd year ». The curriculum gathers fundamental courses in algebra, analysis, geometry and probability theorey, and optional courses to initiate a specialization. Teaching in French.

Master Machine Learning and Data Mining (M1&M2): MLDM provides an original scientific position in Europe on problems related to machine learning, big data, pattern recognition, classification, modelling, knowledge extraction and data mining. These issues have a strong employability potential for students trained in the fields of data science, prediction, data analysis or decision support, as well as in the area of the Web, image and video processing, health informatics, fraud and anomaly detection, etc. Teaching in English.

This training programme is part of the Graduate+ project involving four French universities on the Lyon – Saint-Etienne site: Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Jean Moulin and Université Jean Monnet.

Graduate+ proposes 15 transdisciplinary thematic programmes of excellence from undergraduate to doctoral level, intensive immersion into the world of research, scholarships for international students as well as scholarships for international mobility.

Scholarship amount

The amount of the scholarship is € 1000 per month for 10 months, totaling €10 000 per year per recipient.


Eligibility criteria

  • – To be a foreign student, newcomer to a French university and living outside of France at the time of the application (French dual citizenship allowed)


Award criteria

  • Excellence of the academic background

  • Internship experiences and technical skills in research

  • Motivation and consistency of the professional project


Application Procedure

  • Submissions open: November 12th, 2024

  • Deadline for applications: January 31th, 2025

Candidates must send their application following information available on:

To be enclosed with the application:

  • Certificate of diplomas and degrees already obtained (ex: Bachelor degree) –  documents are accepted only in French or English. If  the document is in another language, you have to provide a translated document in French or English, officially certified.
  • Curriculum Vitae (1 page)
  • Motivation letter: 1 page explaining the applicant’s career goals, how this Master’s programme will help the applicant to achieve them and their motivations to join Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 or ENS de Lyon
  • Description of studies
  • Transcripts of records from Bachelor’s degree on
  • If applicable, abstracts of the candidate’s previous work (e.g. dissertation, books, internship reports, scientific articles…).
  • Certificate of English level (TOEFL, IELTS, ECRL), except for English native speakers, if available
  • Certificate of French level, if available
  • Copy of an official identity document


The jury will meet the week of February 24th, 2025 and notifications will be issued on the week of March 3rd, 2025.

Administrative prodecure

In parallel with the above procedure, students should act according to their situation and apply to the training programme on the dedicated national platforms.

These two procedures are independent of each other but compulsory.

Information can be found on the Graduate + website: